Friday, February 10, 2017

Mass For Triceps

Previous Thursday I discussed how to get a bigger and more curled biceps. Today, I will be talking about how to get the perfect triceps. A lot of guys always complain "why aren't my arms getting bigger or why they're not big enough?". Even though triceps is one of the most important muscle group for bigger arms, it's relatively forgotten when looking to build massive arms. Too many people want massive biceps, but in reality the biceps are a smaller muscle group compared to triceps. The muscle that makes your arms look big are the triceps not biceps. There are many things you can use to build that mass you're looking for, such as, dumbbells, cables, barbells, and even your own weight by doing pushups that target your triceps. Some people will find out that the workout isn't always effective or just don't feel that pump in your triceps. The best thing you can do in any situation like this is to try out as many exercises as you can and see what specifically works for you. I'm going to elaborate a little more on triceps now. Triceps has three heads, the lateral head, which is located on the outward facing side of the humerus. The second one is the medial head, which is located towards the midline of the body. The third head is the long head, it goes along the bottom side of the humerus and is the largest of the three heads.

Here, I'm going to mention the 4 main tricep exercises for mass. Pulley Pushdowns is good to start with because the basic movement stresses the entire triceps muscle group, especially the outer and medial heads. Grab the bar with your index fingers no more than 3-5 inches apart in the middle of the handle. Fully bend your arms, pressing your upper arms against your sides, where they should stay through the duration of the set. Move your forearms down, and slowly straighten your arms. Hold the straight arm position for one second, while flexing your triceps intensely and the slowly return to the starting point.

Lying Barbell Triceps Extensions is a good workout to follow up, it's an exercise that has an intense stress on the triceps, particularly the medial and outer heads. To perform this workout you need to lie on your back on an exercise bench, while keeping your feet on the sides to provide balance. Extend your arms straight up above your head, bend your elbows allowing the barbell to travel downward until it slightly touches your forehead. Reverse the direction of the movement of the bar using only triceps strength to slowly straighten your arms.

The third exercise is the One-Dumbbell Triceps Extension, this workout focuses on the entire triceps muscle group, especially the inner and medial heads. Grab a dumbbell with your palm facing the inner-top plate and the dumbbell hanging straight down. To keep the weight from slipping, put your thumbs around the dumbbell handle for a better grip. Lift the dumbbell straight up above your head and lower the weight slowly behind your head until your arms are fully bent, then slowly raise the dumbbell back to the start position.

Lastly, standing Barbell Triceps Extension, this exercise concentrates on stressing the inner and medial heads of the triceps. Take a narrow overripe in the middle of a weighted barbell of your choice. With feet about shoulder width apart, extend your arms straight up from your shoulders. Keep your upper arms in the same position, while you lower the weight slowly behind your head until your arms are completely bent and then slowly raise the bar back to the starting position.

Remember, if you find these workouts not effective you can always find alternative workouts that are effective to you and enjoyable. 

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