Here I'm going to mention my favorite workouts for bigger biceps. First is my personal favorite exercise, Barbell Curls, to perform this workout get a weight that you're able to lift, hold the bar with a shoulder-width grip, with arms straight towards the floor and elbows to the sides, lift the bar all the way to your chest, as you lower the weight do it slowly for resistance.
Second, One-Arm Dumbbell Preacher Curl, this workout focuses the stress on the peak which is the bicep. To perform this workout, use a regular preacher bench, hold dumbbell with an underhand grip while closing your elbows in, allowing your arm to be extended on the bench, slowly curl the dumbbell trying to touch the shoulder of the arm being worked out.
Another good exercise in my opinion is the Incline Dumbbell Curls. I honestly believe this is one of the hardest exercises i've ever performed. It allows you to achieve a full range of motion while getting a full stretch on the biceps. Get less weight on this exercise because it's pretty difficult to get a good pump if you're not preforming the workout correctly. The way to do this workout is to lye down on an incline bench, hold two dumbbells with arms extended down and back, curl the dumbbells up and out with both and slowly keep doing that and you will feel the pump for sure!
Last but not least, Hammer Curls will help in developing your brachial, that's the muscle located on the side of your bicep. This muscle helps in the size of the biceps area making your arms look bigger. Performing this exercise is pretty simple, get two dumbbells and put your elbows to the side of the body, have your palms face each other and curl the dumbbells up the sane way you would do for a regular dumbbells curl.
Great post with diagrams.